About Us

The Office of Inspector General's mission is to provide independent and objective oversight to promote efficiency, accountability, transparency, and integrity of the West Virginia Departments of Health, Human Services, and Health Facilities, and their programs, as well as the health, safety, and welfare of the people of West Virginia.

The Office of Inspector General seeks to be an independent leader in promoting positive outcomes and change and accountable governance within the West Virginia Departments of Health, Human Services, and Health Facilities and their programs, and in the lives of the people of West Virginia.

What We Do

The Office of Inspector General works to recommend systemic enhancements, ensure better compliance, achieve successful enforcement actions, and recover misspent funds.

We achieve our mission through administrative and criminal investigations, recommendations for greater effectiveness and efficiency in programs and policies, and by promoting increased transparency. From the inquiries and complaints received and investigated, the Office of Inspector General issues reports and recommendations to ensure accountability for the provision of efficient and legally compliant government operations.

Through reporting, recommendations, and educational efforts the Office of Inspector General seeks to prevent, detect, and eliminate waste, inefficiency, misconduct, fraud, corruption, and abuse of public authority and resources.