Foster Care Ombudsman


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During the 2019 and 2020 Legislative Sessions House Bills 2010 and 4094, relating to Foster Care, enabled an independent Foster Care Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is required to have experience as a former foster parent or in the area of child welfare.

The Ombudsman Shall:

  • Advocate for the rights of foster children and foster/kinship parents and work closely with all involved parties.
  • Investigate and resolve complaints by foster children and foster/kinship parents, or on the Foster Care Ombudsman's own initiative, regarding managed care services, public agencies, and social service agencies.
  • Monitor the development of regulations, policies and procedures related to the foster care system, including input to the Foster Children and the Foster and Kinship Parent Bills of Rights.
  • Provide assistance to foster children, foster/kinship parents on behalf of the best interests of foster children.
  • Undertake legislative advocacy and proposals for systemic reforms, to secure and ensure the legal, civil, and special rights of foster children.
  • Conduct programs of public education when necessary and appropriate, and advise the public of the services, purpose of, and procedures to contact the Foster Care Ombudsman office.


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